Call Us - 9635412197, | Mail Us - [email protected]| Corporate Identity No. : U01110WB2022PTC251270 | Trade Registration No. : 192156457286 | GSTIN No. : 19AAJCK2988F1Z1
The plants will be provided and shipped barerooted without any pot.                   The minimum order should be for Rs 350 for postal or courier delivery.

Miscellaneous Plants


We found 25 Products
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(MI 11) Ardisia crenata

120.00 200.00

(MI 12) Anthrium andraenum

190.00 250.00

(MI 13) Poinsettia species

120.00 200.00

(MI 14) Phyllosendron hederaceum

90.00 120.00

(MI 15) Goeppertia ornata

150.00 230.00

(MI 16) Cryptanthus Species

90.00 140.00

(MI 17) Poinsettia White

150.00 220.00

(MI 18) Peperomia caperata

90.00 140.00

(MI 19) Fuchsia magellanica

150.00 220.00

(MI 20) Begonia rex

150.00 200.00

(MI 21) Azalea species

120.00 200.00

(MI 22) Abutilon pictum

90.00 150.00

(MI 23) Vriesea splendens

220.00 350.00

(MI 24) Monstera adansonii

120.00 200.00

(MI 01) Vinca major Greater Periwinkle

80.00 150.00

(MI 02) Senecio macroglossus Wax Ivy Plant

70.00 130.00

(MI 03) Tradescantia Fuminensis lavender Inch Plant

80.00 140.00

(MI 04) Strelitzia reginae Bird of Paradise Flower

200.00 380.00

(MI 05) Philodendron bipinnatifdum Split Leaf Philodendron

250.00 380.00

(MI 06) Neoregelia carolinae Blushing Bromeliad

160.00 250.00

(MI 07) Microsorum punctatum Fishtail Fern

160.00 230.00

(MI 08) Chlorophytum comosum Spider Plant

80.00 150.00

(MI 09) Vriesea carinata Flaming Sword

160.00 230.00

(MI 10) Begonia masoniana Iron Cross Begonia

120.00 300.00

(MI 25) Philodendron Imperial

250.00 500.00
For Placing Orders
  • Corporate mail Id : [email protected]
  • Contact No./ Whatsapp No. : 6295396275, 9614415259
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Terms & Conditions
  • 1. The product images are only for representational purpose and are subject to changes based on weather and potting media
  • 2. The plants will be provided and shipped bare rooted without any pot.
  • 3. Rates are subject to variation based on market conditions
  • 4. The minimum order should be for Rs 350 for postal / courier delivery.
  • 5. Separate courier charges will be levied based on the number of plants ordered.

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